Romantic Motherhood Session on Film | Sneak Peek

There have been a lot of mommas in front of my camera this fall, all documenting their motherhood journey, + I adore every second of it!

To me, there is truly nothing better than shooting with film. Why you might ask? Because film photography is timeless. The colors, tones + overall look will never go out of style. Film images are the same now as they’ve been in the past. Different styles of editing will come + go, but the aesthetic of film photography will always remain the same. And that is something I greatly appreciate!

This couple was such a joy to work with!! I truly love meeting new people + getting to know their stories. Right away I could tell this was going to be a wonderful evening from their kind energy + loving spirit. To top it off we were greeted with the cooler temps of fall this night, so it made the evening even more enjoyable! It was so easy photographing them + the journey to meeting their baby girl. Their love for each other + the new life growing inside momma radiated from the inside out! Being in the season of life they’re in is so magical, exactly like this session!

This was a hybrid session, which means during our time together I photographed both digital + film images. I shot with Fuji Pro 400H film + my 50mm lens. The scans just recently came in (processed by Goodman Film Lab) + I am so excited to give you a preview of what was documented on my 35mm film camera!


Interested in booking a Motherhood Session? KKP is now booking for January - March 2021!